$ 15.00
What are the other names for this test?
Blood typing testing, Blood group, Rh Factor
What is an ABO group test?
An ABO group test helps to identify the blood group in an individual. Blood typing is another name for this test. This test is significant when you need a blood transfusion or want to donate blood to a person. A blood typing test contains inherited (derived) substances known as antigens. Antigens are substances (proteins) that help your body to know about its cells and the outside harmful cells. Two antigens found on red blood cells (RBCs) A and B antigens. These antigens may present on the surface of red blood cells and categorize into four groups, including A, B, AB, or O. This type of blood group is called the ABO system.
What are the types of ABO blood group systems?
There are four types of ABO blood group systems, which are listed as follows:
Blood group type A contains the A antigen.
Blood group type B possesses the B antigen.
Blood group type AB includes both A and B antigens.
Blood group Type O contains neither A nor B antigens.
A person can receive or donate blood by these criteria, which are as follows:
Type O - This type of blood group can transfer or donate blood to any other blood group type due to no production of antigens. In this type, a person can only receive blood groups from the other type O individuals. It is because blood with any antigen is considered as outside harmful elements.
Type A - This blood group can transfer or donate to type A and type AB individuals. In this type, a person can receive blood from another type A person and type O person.
Type B - This blood group can transfer or donate to people having type B and type AB blood groups. In this type, a person can receive blood from other type B and type O individuals.
Type AB - This blood group can give or donate to only type AB individuals. In this type, a person can receive blood from any other blood group type.
What is the purpose of the ABO group test?
A blood typing test is to determine the individual’s blood group. In general, all types of blood groups are not suitable. It is significant to know about what blood group you possess. When you receive blood that is incompatible or inappropriate with your blood type, it may show a severe response by your immune system.
If you have a type A blood group, your antibodies develop against the B antigens. If you receive blood from the type B group, your antibodies may focus and destroy the type B red blood cells that transfer to you. It can lead to complications when you do not know your blood group. Your provider matches an individual’s blood type with the blood that transfers.
When to conduct this test?
An ABO group test is a routine test that may perform at any time to know the blood type. A blood typing test is significant when you are going to transfer blood to someone. This test helps your provider identify which blood group is suitable for that particular patient. You may need to conduct a blood typing test if you have the following situations.
Donate or receive a blood
During pregnancy
Bleeding during or after surgery
Excessive blood loss due to injury or severe accident
During thalassemia disease - (a bleeding disorder in which the body does not produce recommended protein called hemoglobin).
Severe anemia (a disease in which the body does not have enough red blood cells) needs repeated blood transfusions.
A bleeding disorder like hemophilia - A condition in which blood doesn't clot correctly.
This test determines the blood group type essential for a transplant, like organs, tissues, or bone marrow. You may need to order the blood typing test if your provider asks to match the blood group of a potential donor and receiver. Sometimes the ABO group test may also be used for forensic testing (It is used to identify the blood group of a person taken from the crime scene).
If you want to know your blood group, you can click here to place an online order for this test.
What is the procedure for the ABO group test?
Your healthcare provider will ask for a blood sample from you. You have to remove part of the cloth from your arm. A needle injects into a vein in your arm to collect a blood sample in a test tube. Your provider covers your vein with a bandage and stores your blood sample for examination. You can return home for regular activities. This test requires at least 5 minutes to complete. The results of the blood typing test come within 1-2 days.
How do I need to prepare for this test?
You don’t need to prepare for the ABO group test. If your provider recommends specific instructions, you may need to follow them.
What are the risks of blood typing tests?
The ABO group test is a blood test, which does not have a high risk. You may experience slight pain when a needle injects into a vein in your arm. The other symptoms may include:
Fainting or feeling lightheaded
Bleeding under the skin (hematoma)
Infection at the spot of the vein where the needle injects
Extreme bleeding
What do the ABO group test results mean?
The test results for blood typing indicate what type of blood group you possess. Your blood sample reacts with antibodies against type A and B blood. After that, the blood sample detects whether or not the blood cells mix. Your blood reacts with one of the antibodies due to the mix-up of blood cells together. You can take an online session with a doctor to understand your blood group.
The human body usually produces antibodies against A antigens if you have type B, the blood group. If you possess blood type B, antibodies produce against B antigens. Your body does not produce antibodies against A or B antigens if you have blood type AB. Due to this reason, an AB blood group person can take type A, B, or AB blood. Blood type O will have antibodies against both A and B.
What else do I need to know about the blood typing test?
Your healthcare provider may recommend the Rh-typing test besides the ABO group test. Rh-typing also determines the blood group similar to the ABO system. There are two possible results available for the Rh-typing test, which are as follows:
If the Rh protein appears on the red blood cells, it indicates that you have an Rh-positive blood type.
If the Rh protein does not appear on the red blood cells, it shows that you have an Rh-negative blood type.
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