Lab Tests

Umbrella Health Care System - Labtests

Umbrella Health Care Systems medical labs are state of the art lab services , we use several reference labs to bring you best price and precise lab work, you can feel free to order any La...

All lab tests include $6 Physician's fee.
$6 fee is collected on behalf of affiliated physicians oversight for lab testing, lab results may require physicians follow-up services, UmbrellaMD will collect this fee for each order and it‚s non-refundable.


$ 15.00

ABO GROUP What are the other names for this test? Blood typing testing, Blood group, Rh Factor What is an ABO group test? An ABO group test helps to identify the blood group in an individual. Blood typing is another name for this test. This test is significant when you need a blood transfusion or want to donate blood to a person. A blood typing test contains inherited (derived) substances known as antigens. Antigens are substances (proteins) that help your body to know about its cells and the outside harmful cells. Two antigens found on red blood cells (RBCs) A and B antigens. These antigens may present on the surface of red blood cells and categorize into four groups, including A, B, AB, or O. This type of blood group is called the ABO system. What are the types of ABO blood group systems? There are four types of ABO blood group systems, which are listed as follows: Blood group type A contains the A antigen. Blood group type B possesses the B antigen. Blood group type AB includes both A and B antigens. Blood group Type O contains neither A nor B antigens. A person can receive or donate blood by these criteria, which are as follows: Type O - This type of blood group can transfer or donate blood to any other blood group type due to no production of antigens. In this type, a person can only receive blood groups from the other type O individuals. It is because blood with any antigen is considered as outside harmful elements. Type A - This blood group can transfer or donate to type A and type AB individuals. In this type, a person can receive blood from another type A person and type O person. Type B - This blood group can transfer or donate to people having type B and type AB blood groups. In this type, a person can receive blood from other type B and type O individuals. Type AB - This blood group can give or donate to only type AB individuals. In this type, a person can receive blood from any other blood group type. What is the purpose of the ABO group test? A blood typing test is to determine the individual’s blood group. In general, all types of blood groups are not suitable. It is significant to know about what blood group you possess. When you receive blood that is incompatible or inappropriate with your blood type, it may show a severe response by your immune system. If you have a type A blood group, your antibodies develop against the B antigens. If you receive blood from the type B group, your antibodies may focus and destroy the type B red blood cells that transfer to you. It can lead to complications when you do not know your blood group. Your provider matches an individual’s blood type with the blood that transfers. When to conduct this test? An ABO group test is a routine test that may perform at any time to know the blood type. A blood typing test is significant when you are going to transfer blood to someone. This test helps your provider identify which blood group is suitable for that particular patient. You may need to conduct a blood typing test if you have the following situations. Donate or receive a blood During pregnancy Bleeding during or after surgery Excessive blood loss due to injury or severe accident During thalassemia disease - (a bleeding disorder in which the body does not produce recommended protein called hemoglobin). Severe anemia (a disease in which the body does not have enough red blood cells) needs repeated blood transfusions. A bleeding disorder like hemophilia - A condition in which blood doesn't clot correctly. This test determines the blood group type essential for a transplant, like organs, tissues, or bone marrow. You may need to order the blood typing test if your provider asks to match the blood group of a potential donor and receiver. Sometimes the ABO group test may also be used for forensic testing (It is used to identify the blood group of a person taken from the crime scene). If you want to know your blood group, you can click here to place an online order for this test. What is the procedure for the ABO group test? Your healthcare provider will ask for a blood sample from you. You have to remove part of the cloth from your arm. A needle injects into a vein in your arm to collect a blood sample in a test tube. Your provider covers your vein with a bandage and stores your blood sample for examination. You can return home for regular activities. This test requires at least 5 minutes to complete. The results of the blood typing test come within 1-2 days. How do I need to prepare for this test? You don’t need to prepare for the ABO group test. If your provider recommends specific instructions, you may need to follow them. What are the risks of blood typing tests? The ABO group test is a blood test, which does not have a high risk. You may experience slight pain when a needle injects into a vein in your arm. The other symptoms may include: Fainting or feeling lightheaded Bleeding under the skin (hematoma) Infection at the spot of the vein where the needle injects Extreme bleeding What do the ABO group test results mean? The test results for blood typing indicate what type of blood group you possess. Your blood sample reacts with antibodies against type A and B blood. After that, the blood sample detects whether or not the blood cells mix. Your blood reacts with one of the antibodies due to the mix-up of blood cells together. You can take an online session with a doctor to understand your blood group. The human body usually produces antibodies against A antigens if you have type B, the blood group. If you possess blood type B, antibodies produce against B antigens. Your body does not produce antibodies against A or B antigens if you have blood type AB. Due to this reason, an AB blood group person can take type A, B, or AB blood. Blood type O will have antibodies against both A and B. What else do I need to know about the blood typing test? Your healthcare provider may recommend the Rh-typing test besides the ABO group test. Rh-typing also determines the blood group similar to the ABO system. There are two possible results available for the Rh-typing test, which are as follows: If the Rh protein appears on the red blood cells, it indicates that you have an Rh-positive blood type. If the Rh protein does not appear on the red blood cells, it shows that you have an Rh-negative blood type. Visit here to get an opportunity for online lab test services, medical imaging, and e-consultation.  

ABO Group and Rh Type (REFL)

$ 19.00

Clinical SignificanceABO Group and Rh Type (REFL) - Type and Rh are needed to assess the risk of transfusion reactions and hemolytic disease of the newborn.IncludesThis is a client specific reflex test. Reflex criteria has been pre-defined by the ordering physician. Additional testing will be performed at an additional charge.MethodologyImmune AgglutinationPreferred Specimen(s)5 mL whole blood collected in an ACD-A or ACD-B (yellow-top) tubeAlternative Specimen(s)Red-top tube (no gel) • EDTA (pink-top) tube • Cord blood • EDTA (lavender-top) tubeNote: If submitted with a CBC, HbA1c or any other test requiring an EDTA (lavender-top) tube, please submit a separate tube for this test.Minimum Volume1 mLTransport ContainerACD-A or ACD-B (yellow-top) tubeTransport TemperatureRoom temperatureSpecimen StabilityRoom temperature: 72 hoursRefrigerated: 7 daysFrozen: UnacceptableReject CriteriaHemolysis • Serum Separator Tube (SST®)


$ 21.00

Methodology Immunoassay (IA) Preferred Specimen(s) 0.3 mL serum Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 21.00

Clinical Significance Acarus siro (d70) IgE - This allergen-specific IgE antibody test quantifies an individual’s IgE response to Acarus siro. It is an in vitro quantitative assay that is intended to be used in conjunction with other clinical information to aid in the diagnosis of allergic diseases [1]. While allergen-specific serum IgE testing is considered comparable to skin testing in many instances, both the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology recognize that allergen-specific serum IgE testing may be preferred in some clinical situations. These include 1) the presence of widespread skin disease, 2) the recent use of antihistamines or other medications that can affect the results of allergy skin tests, 3) uncooperative patients, and 4) medical history suggesting that allergen skin testing would pose a significant risk for a serious allergic reaction [1]. A definitive clinical diagnosis of allergy should not be based on the results of any single diagnostic method, but should be made by a trained healthcare provider after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated. Preferred Specimen(s) 0.3 mL serum Transport Container Serum separator tube (SST) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 21.00

Methodology Immunoassay (IA) Preferred Specimen(s) 0.3 mL serum Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 15.00

ALBUMIN TEST Does this test have other names? Serum albumin test, ALB What is the Albumin Test?  An albumin test measures the amount of albumin in your blood. Low albumin levels indicate a sign of kidney, liver, malnutrition, chronic, and other diseases. High levels of albumin lead to diarrhea and dehydration in the body.  Albumin is a protein developed by your liver. Albumin possesses vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and other nutrients throughout the body. It helps your body to keep all vital fluids in contact with the blood vessel.  What is the use of an albumin blood test? Albumin is a source of necessary protein for the development of body tissues. An albumin test observes and checks your overall health conditions, specifically your liver and kidneys. If your body leakages protein into the urine, you have experienced kidney disease. The liver separates protein from the food and circulates it throughout the body. Your body will not make albumin if you have a problem in the liver. A low or high albumin level tells your healthcare provider what type of disease you have.  An albumin blood test is mostly a part of a group of blood tests (Liver function tests or liver panels) that identify different enzymes, proteins, and other elements. An albumin test is a part of a routine or comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) test to evaluate different substances. When do I need an albumin blood test? You may need to order an albumin test if you are experiencing liver or kidney disease. Your provider may order the test as part of liver function tests or a comprehensive metabolic panel. Symptoms of liver disease:   Weight loss Malnutrition Increased itching Swelling or/and pain in your abdomen (belly) Reduction in appetite Stress or Anxiety Swelling in your ankles and legs Vomiting Urine color turns to dark Yellowish skin or eyes (Jaundice) Symptoms of kidney disease:   Weakness Muscles contraction or cramps Frequency or reduction in urine Difficulty in passing the urine Swelling in eyes or legs Bloody or foamy urine Dry skin Weight loss Loss of appetite Sleep disorder Difficulty thinking properly Breath difficulty Accumulation of water in the body What is the procedure for an albumin blood test? You need to provide a blood sample to your provider for an albumin test. A small needle inserts in a vein in your arm to collect a blood sample in a test tube. A bandage applies to your vein. The test does not take time greater than 5 minutes. How do I need to prepare for the test? You may need to stop taking certain medicines that can affect your test results. Your provider will inform you about any specific instructions for the albumin test until you do not need to prepare for the test. If you may need to order additional blood tests, you have to keep fast for at least 7 to 8 hours before the test. Is there any risk to the test? An albumin test is a blood test that does not have a high risk. You may experience a little pain at the point in your vein from where the blood collects. A small chance of bleeding or bruising may also occur, but generally, these signs do not last long. What is the recommended range for an albumin blood test? The test results may vary slightly from laboratory to laboratory. Each lab may use different measurement methods. The ideal reference range for an albumin blood test is 3.5 to 5.5 g/dL. A higher or low albumin level than the recommended can indicate specific health problems. What do the test results mean? Your provider generally takes the albumin blood test results with the additional tests to identify your medical problems. Low albumin levels in your blood may occur due to   Liver diseases, such as hepatitis, deposition of fats, and cirrhosis Not getting nutrition from the diet Infection Kidney disease (excessive loss of albumin) Digestive diseases, including Crohn's and malabsorption disorders Thyroid problems Damaged body tissues over a large surface of the body If you find higher levels of albumin in your blood, this can indicate dehydration in your body that may lead to diarrhea or a specific condition. Albumin generally contains in the blood for several weeks, so the short-term liver disease cannot be traceable, which reduces albumin development in the blood. It is not always necessary that you may have health problems if your test results are not in the recommended range. The usage of specific medicines, such as steroids, insulin, and hormone, can also indicate high albumin levels in your blood. When you avoid eating, it can also reduce the levels of albumin for 24 to 48 hours. Pregnancy also reduces albumin levels in the blood.   If you experience symptoms of a liver or a kidney disease, you should take an albumin test. You can visit UmbrellaMD to place an online order for the lab test, which is a reliable healthcare system. Umbrella Health Care Systems brings an easy way to sort out all your problems. You can register yourself here to avail the online benefits and save precious time.    


$ 29.00

ALBUMIN, 24 HOUR URINE W/O CREATININE What are the other names for this test? Urine Albumin Test, Micro albumin test, 24-Hour Micro albumin Test, Albumin Test What is the use of an albumin 24-hour urine test? An albumin test measures the quantity of protein in the urine. An albumin 24-hour urine test diagnoses and monitors the disease of the kidney in a person. The filters of a kidney help keep albumin in the blood. Your kidneys eliminate waste from your body. The failure of the kidneys leads to the loss of proteins in your kidneys excreted through urine. Albumin is a protein present in the blood made by your liver. A small amount of albumin in your urine is called micro albumin. High albumin levels in the urine may lead to kidney or renal disease. This test does not calculate the level of creatinine. When should I need an albumin 24-hour urine test? A person having a high risk of kidney disease may need to conduct a micro albumin test. Symptoms of kidney disease do not show up early. Your healthcare provider recommends this test for people at risk of kidney disease. You may have kidney disease if you experience these conditions   High blood pressure Accumulation of water in the body Frequency or reduction in urine Difficulty in passing the urine Dry skin Heart disease Type 1 and type 2 diabetes Overweight Swelling in eyes or legs Cloudy or foamy urine Family history of kidney disease Your provider may suggest additional tests and treatment for the problem if the albumin levels are higher in a 24-hour urine test.  What happens during this test? Your doctor will tell you how to collect your urine over 24 hours. It is the most common way to know the result of albumin in the urine. It is the most common way to understand the test result of albumin in the urine. The step of this test include Starting urine in a toilet in the morning without collecting it. Note the time of urinating. Put your urine in the container for the next 24 hours. Store that urine in a refrigerator or at a cool place. Give your container with urine to the lab care as per the guidelines. What do I need to prepare for an albumin 24-hour test? You can avoid severe or extreme exercise before giving this test. These may increase the amount of albumin for a short time. You can also ask your healthcare provider about the use of medications and supplements that may change the test results. What are the risks to the test? An albumin 24-hour urine test does not have any risk. You may experience a little pain at the point in your vein from where the blood collects. A chance of bleeding or bruising may also occur, but generally, these signs do not last long. What is the recommended range for micro albumin test? In general, the ideal range for albumin urine test lies below 30mg. The value between 30 to 300 mg can show an early disease of kidneys. You may experience severe kidney disease if your test results indicate a value above 300 mg. You can discuss your test results with your doctor. You may need to conduct additional testing if you have higher albumin levels in your urine. What do the albumin 24-hour test results mean? If your results show abnormal levels of albumin in the blood, you may need to perform additional tests. Inflammation of the body, exercise, and certain medicines lead to a temporary increase in albumin levels. Your healthcare provider recommends you perform two more tests within three to six months. If two out of three albumin tests indicate abnormal results, you may be at an early stage of kidney disease. The higher value of albumin in the 24-hour urine test shows that you have kidney disease. You are at risk of heart and blood vessel problems as well. Very small amount of albumin does not always mean kidney disease. Gum infections, urinary tract infections, and hepatitis can also increase the albumin level. Visit UmbrellaMD to place the order for this test. You can book an online test even if you do not have a prescription. Umbrella Health Care Systems offers a wide range of services, from laboratory tests to make an appointment with a doctor. You can understand your test results without going anywhere. Register here to know and learn about the condition of your health.   


$ 29.00

ALBUMIN, RANDOM URINE W/O CREATININE Does this test have other names? Urine Albumin Tests, Micro albumin tests, Albumin Tests What is the use of an albumin random urine test? An albumin test measures the quantity of protein in the urine. An albumin random urine test diagnoses and monitors the disease of the kidney in a person. The filters of a kidney help keep albumin in the blood. Your kidneys eliminate waste from your body. The failure of the kidneys leads to the loss of proteins in your kidneys excreted through urine. Albumin is a protein present in the blood made by your liver. A small amount of albumin in your urine is called micro albumin. High albumin levels in the urine may lead to kidney or renal disease. This test does not calculate the level of creatinine. When should I need an albumin random urine test? A person having a high risk of kidney disease may need to conduct a micro albumin test. Symptoms of kidney disease do not show up early. Your healthcare provider recommends this test for people at risk of kidney disease. You may have kidney disease if you experience these conditions   High blood pressure Accumulation of water in the body Frequency or reduction in urine Difficulty in passing the urine Dry skin Heart disease Type 1 and type 2 diabetes Overweight Swelling in eyes or legs Cloudy or foamy urine Family history of kidney disease Your provider may suggest additional tests and treatment for the problem if the albumin levels are higher in an albumin random urine test.  What happens during this test? Micro albumin is a simple random urine test. Your healthcare provider will instruct you to collect all urine at any time. Your doctor may also recommend two spot urine tests during the day at different intervals. After you deliver the urine sample to your provider, you can return home for daily activities. This test takes at least 5 to 10 minutes.  What do I need to prepare for this test? You can avoid severe or extreme exercise before giving this test. These may increase the amount of albumin for a short time. You can also ask your healthcare provider about the use of medications and supplements that may change the test results. What are the risks of the test? An albumin random urine test does not have any risk. You may experience a little pain at the point in your vein from where the blood collects. A small chance of bleeding or bruising may also occur, but generally, these signs do not last long. What is the recommended range for a micro albumin test? The ideal range for an albumin random urine test lies below 30mcg/mg (microgram/milligram). A value between 30 to 300 mcg/mg can show an early disease of the kidneys. You may experience severe kidney disease if your test results indicate a value above 300 mcg/mg. You can discuss your test results with your doctor. You may need to conduct additional testing if you have higher albumin levels in your urine.  What do the albumin test results mean? If your results show abnormal levels of albumin in the blood, you may need to perform additional tests. Inflammation of the body, exercise, and certain medicines lead to a temporary increase in albumin levels. Your healthcare provider recommends you perform two more tests within three to six months. If two out of three albumin tests indicate abnormal results, you may be at an early stage of kidney disease. The higher value of albumin in the urine shows that you have kidney disease. You are at risk of heart and blood vessel problems as well. A small amount of albumin does not always mean kidney disease. Gum infections, urinary tract infections, and hepatitis can also increase the albumin level. Your healthcare provider recommends this test to diagnose the condition of your kidneys. You can order an online albumin random urine test at UmbrellaMD, an online healthcare platform. It is the easiest and fastest way to book any lab test. You can make an appointment with a doctor while you are at home. You can register here to get information on more laboratory tests and medicines.      


$ 21.00

Methodology Immunoassay (IA) Preferred Specimen(s) 0.3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 15.00

Alkaline Phosphatase What is an Alkaline Phosphatase Test? An Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is a blood test that determines the total quantity of ALP in your blood. ALP is an enzyme present throughout your body parts. An enzyme is a protein in your cells that speeds up the chemical process in your body and acts as a catalyst. There are different types of ALP produced by each part of your body. An abnormal ALP level in your blood may lead to tissue damage or disturbance in the body’s function.  An ALP is present in the following organs of the body. ● Liver ● Kidneys ● Bones, ● Bile duct ● Intestines ● Placenta (an organ created in the uterus during pregnancy)   Does this test have other names? ALP, ALK, ALK PHOS, PHOS, Alkp   What are the types of alkaline phosphatase? A general ALP, which is most common, and an ALP isoenzyme are the two types of alkaline phosphatase blood tests. A general ALP is part of a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP).    An ALP isoenzyme test helps to find where the different types of alkaline phosphatase are present in your body.   What is the purpose of the ALP test? An alkaline phosphatase test helps screen and diagnose several liver or bones disease because an ALP is mainly present in these body parts. A high ALP level can show liver disease or specific bone disorders.   When do I need an ALP test? Your healthcare provider may ask to order an ALP blood test to observe and monitor the various parts of your body. It is a type of routine checkup. Besides the ALP test, you may need to conduct additional tests to diagnose ALP in your blood. These tests include a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) or liver function test to see the working conditions of your liver. If you experience liver disease or a bone disorder, you will ask to take an ALP test. The following are the signs and symptoms of liver disease that include ● Swelling or/and pain in the abdominal (belly), specifically on your right side ● Nausea and vomiting ● Jaundice, a disease that changes your skins and eyes color to yellow ● Fatigue & Weakness ● Weight loss without any effort ● Increase itching ● Loss of appetite ● Pee color changes to dark or/and passing light color stool (poop) ● Swelling in your ankles and legs Signs and symptoms of bone disorders, such as ● Pain in the bone or/and joint ● Abnormally structured bones or/and enlargement ● Developed bone fractures ● Arthritis and inflammation in your joints   What is the procedure for an alkaline phosphatase test? Your healthcare provider will ask for a blood sample from you. A small needle injects into a vein in your arm to collect your blood. A small quantity of blood collects in a test tube. Your provider applies a bandage to your vein. You can return to your home for daily activities. The blood test generally takes at least 5 minutes.   How do I need to prepare for an ALP test? You will receive instructions for the test from your provider. The preparations for the test vary depending on the lab you use. Some lab care recommends fasting for 6 to 12 hours before the test. An ALP test also conducts with additional blood tests. You will ask not to eat or drink for several hours.   What are the risks of the test? A blood test is a routine test that does not have a high risk. You may feel some pain when the needle goes in and out. These symptoms will stay for a short time.   What are the recommended values for an ALP test? The ideal test results vary from laboratory to laboratory. The most common range is between 44 to 467 international units per liter (IU/L). According to a few organizations, the recommended value ranges from 30 to 120 IU/L. It is worth considering the reference range of a particular lab that you used. The normal alkaline phosphatase levels also depend on the person’s age and sex.  ALP levels are generally high in childhood and puberty because of the growth and development of the bones. There is a slightly higher difference in ALP levels in men compared to women between the ages of 15 to 50 years. The ALP level rises with age. Pregnant women have a chance of high ALP levels due to the presence of ALP in the placenta.     What do the ALP test results mean? Liver disease or a bone disorder may occur due to high alkaline phosphatase levels. They prevail with the development of different types of ALP. The test results cannot indicate ALP that has a high value. ‘ If you have experienced high alkaline phosphatase levels in your liver, it results due to: ● Cirrhosis of the liver - A liver disease that occurs in the late stage. In this disease, scar tissue replaces the healthy liver tissue then the liver stops working properly. ● Hepatitis - It is the inflammation of the liver that has many different types. ● Cholestasis of pregnancy - A most frequent condition occurs in pregnancy in the late stage. ● Biliary atresia - An uncommon disease in which blockage occurs in the ducts (tube) that possess bile from your liver to your gallbladder. ● Biliary stricture - A condition in which the reduction or contraction of the bile duct occurs. ● Mononucleosis - A rare condition that can cause swelling in your liver. The other possible causes that may increase the alkaline phosphatase levels ● Bone metastasis - A disease in which the bones contain cancer cells from different parts of your body. ● Paget’s disease of the bone - It is also known as osteitis deform. An unpopular chronic bone disease can lead to breakdown and abnormal growth of the bones. Low ALP levels may show these symptoms ● Deficiency of zinc and magnesium. ● Lack of nutrition. ● Uncommon genetic diseases, such as Wilson disease and Hypophosphatasia. ● Hypothyroidism. You can place an online order for the lab test. For more laboratory tests and an online appointment with a doctor, you can visit UmbrellaMD.   What factors may affect the test results? Some factors that may alter your test results include ● Birth control pills and some specific medicines. ● Pregnancy. ● Intake of diet. ● High ALP level in teens and children due to their growth of the bones.  


$ 140.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (a mold) (m6) Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) (g2) Birch (t3) Cat dander (e1) Cottonwood (t14) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog dander (e5) Helminthorporium halodes (m8) House dust (Greer) (h1) Perennial rye grass (g5) Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) (w18) Spruce (t201) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Cat Dander (e1) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) Lamb's Quarters (Goose Foot) (w10) Oak (t7) Timothy Grass (g6) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Bermuda Grass (g2) Cat Dander (e1) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) False Ragweed (w4) Mugwort (w6) Oak (t7) Perennial Rye Grass (g5) Methodology Immunoassay   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes Alternaria alternata (m6) IgE Bermuda Grass (g2) IgE Cat Dander (e1) IgE Cladopsorium herbarum (m2) IgE Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) IgE Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) IgE Dog Dander (e5) IgE June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) IgE Oak (t7) IgE Rough Pigweed (w14) IgE Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Transport tube Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Bermuda Grass (g2) Cat Dander (e1) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) Johnson Grass (g10) Oak (t7) Rough Pigweed (w14) Methodology Immunoassay   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Cat Dander (e1) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) Lamb's Quarters (Goose Foot) (w10) Oak (t7) Timothy Grass (g6) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Transport Container Serum separator tube (SST) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Cat Dander (e1) Dog Dander (e5) Timothy Grass (g6) IgE June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Alternaria alternata (m6) Oak (t7) Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) Lamb's Quarters (Goose Foot) (w10) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Transport Container Serum separator tube (SST) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Bermuda Grass (g2)  Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Cat Dander (e1) Common Ragweed (Short) (w1) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2)   Dog Dander (e5) June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) Oak (t7) Rough Pigweed (w14) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Alternative Name(s) ImmunoCAP®   "Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum separator tube (SST) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Cat Dander (e1) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) Elm (t8)E June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) Lamb's Quarters (Goose Foot) (w10) Timothy Grass (g6) Western Ragweed (w2) Methodology Immunoassay   "Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Bermuda grass (g2) Cat Dander (e1) Cladopsorium herbarum (m2) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) False Ragweed (w4) Mountain Cedar (t6) Perennial Rye Grass (g5) Rough Pigweed (w14) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum separator tube (SST) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 120.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alder (t2) Alternaria alternata (m6) Cat Dander (e1) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Dermatophagoides farinae (d2) Dog Dander (e5) English Plantain (w9) June Grass (Kentucky Blue) (g8) Lamb's Quarters (Goose Foot) (w10) Perennial Rye Grass (g5) Methodology Immunoassay Preferred Specimen(s) 3 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 95.00

Includes Honey Bee (I1) IgE White-Face Hornet (I2) IgE Yellow Jacket (I3) IgE Paper Wasp (I4) IgE Fire Ant (I70) IgE Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 2 mL serum Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 100.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Aspergillus fumigatus (m3) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Mucor racemosus (m4) Penicillium notatum (m1) Stemphylium botryosum (m10) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   Preferred Specimen(s) 1.5 mL serum Minimum Volume 1 mL Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days


$ 95.00

Includes IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternata (m6) Aspergillus fumigatus (m3) Candida albicans (m5) Cladosporium herbarum (m2) Mucor racemosus (m4) Methodology Immunoassay (IA)   "Preferred Specimen(s) 1.5 mL serum Minimum Volume 0.15 mL/allergen Transport Container Serum Separator Tube (SST®) Transport Temperature Room temperature Specimen Stability Room temperature: 14 days Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 30 days

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