Neck And Back Pain
One of the most common causes of chronic pain is back and neck pain. Sharp pain or dull aches can result from injury, strain, poor posture, wear and tear or many other reasons. We treat pain all along the spine, from the top of your neck to your tailbone,including:
Degenerative disc disease: Vertebrae (spine bones) that rub together as the discs (rubbery tissue between vertebrae) wear out due to age or injury
Facet joint syndrome: Damage to facet joints (connections between vertebrae) due to injury, disc deterioration or wear and tear
Failed back syndrome: Back pain that returns after surgery
Herniated disc: A disc that breaks open (ruptures) or moves out of place due to injury or strenuous activity
Radiculopathy (pinched nerve): A damaged or compressed nerve root in the spine, causing pain and other symptoms in various areas of the body depending on where it develops
Sciatica: Radiculopathy that develops in the low back
Spinal stenosis: A narrowed area of the spinal canal that causes pain due to compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots