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Any other name for this test?
Triglyceride lab tests are known by the terms TG, TRIG, lipid panel, and fasting lipoprotein panel.
Triglycerides are the most common fat(lipid) found in the blood. They are also the body's primary source of energy.
What is the purpose of triglycerides in the blood?
Triglycerides provide energy for your body. They are created when you consume more calories than you require and are then stored in your fat cells for future use. Triglycerides are released from your cells into your bloodstream when your body requires energy so that your muscles have the fuel to function.
You may have high triglycerides if you consistently consume more calories than you burn, especially from foods heavy in carbohydrates (hypertriglyceridemia).
What is a Triglycerides Lab Test?
triglyceride lab test counts the number of triglycerides in the blood. The lab test screens for heart conditions and also checks for high triglyceride levels. A Triglycerides Lab Test evaluates your risk of heart disease. This test is frequently done as part of a lipid panel.
Why does the doctor order triglycerides lab tests?
Doctors ask for
Triglycerides Lab Test as part of a lipid panel test to understand deeply your risk for heart disease and other heart conditions. They will monitor your risk for heart attack and high lipid. Treatment will be according to the test results.
Why do I need this test?
During your regular checkup, the doctor might ask you to undergo a
triglycerides lab test. If you have recovered from a heart attack or you are being treated for high cholesterol. To monitor how well your heart is functioning.
What are the risk factors that lead to a Triglycerides Lab Test?
- Smoking cigarettes
- Having a weight problem
- Consuming a poor diet
- Not working out enough
- Age (45 years or older men or 55 years or older women)
- Suffering from high blood pressure
- Heart disease runs in the family
- Being diabetic or having prediabetes
- Having heart disease or having experienced a heart attack in the past.
When to consider a Triglycerides Lab Test?
Consider it,
- As a part of your regular lipid profile checkup.
- Adults should consider it every once four to six years.
- Kids should have their lipid profile monitoring done between the age of nine and eleven and afterward again between seventeen and twenty-one.
Do we need to fast for this test?
Yes, fasting is considered for this test means you cannot eat or drink anything for nine to twelve hours before the test is done. Healthcare professionals will guide you more about the process of a
Triglycerides Lab Test.
How does a triglycerides test work?
A tiny needle is used to take a blood sample from a vein in your hand. Blood is collected and placed into a test container. Due to the needle's in and out motion, there may be slight discomfort and pain.
Is there any risk linked to this test?
There is no serious risk to this test. You could have minor pain or bruise around the area where the needle went. These symptoms will go away in 2-3 days.
What will happen after the test?
After the test is completed, your healthcare professional will bandage the area from where the blood is drawn to stop the bleeding.
What do the results mean?
The standard unit of measurement for triglycerides is milligrams (mg) of triglycerides per deciliter (dL) of blood. The treatment will be under the Standard guidelines for normal or higher levels of triglycerides.
The following are the Normal adult guidelines:
- Normal (preferred): not more than 150 mg/dL
- High-risk: 150 to 199 mg/dL
- High: 200 to 499 mg/dL
- Extremely high (500 mg/dL and above)
The outcomes for teenagers and children differ.
What does a low triglyceride test result mean?
A low
triglyceride lab test result means you have a lower risk of developing heart disease.
What does a high-test result for triglycerides mean?
You increase the risk of developing heart disease if the results of your
triglyceride lab test are high. Results show that you have too much blood fat. The use of foods high in carbohydrates or genetic factors is the cause of high triglycerides. High triglycerides can cause arteriosclerosis, which thickens the artery walls and increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and heart disease. Extremely high triglycerides can also result in acute pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis). The doctors will make notable changes in your lifestyle and diet to control the level of triglycerides.
Are any other tests that need to complete besides the triglyceride lab test?
A triglyceride lab test is usually done in a group as a part of the lipid panel test. This test aid medical specialist in analyzing your heart status, all of these tests are merged for further process. These test results will guide how your medical care will be offered.
Anything else I need to know regarding the triglyceride test?
Some medicines can raise the level of blood triglycerides. Ask your healthcare provider if there is any medicine in your prescription which might affect the test results.
Some medical conditions may also contribute to high triglyceride levels in the blood. These conditions are listed below:
- Liver illness
- Failure of the kidney
- Thyroid disorder
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
If you have one of the conditions listed above, you are at a high risk of developing heart disease.