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What are the other names for this test?

Rubella Test, Rubella Blood Test

What is a Rubella test?

A rubella test helps to find antibodies that develop in your blood in response to rubella. Rubella, also known as German measles, is an infection that leads to skin rash and fever. Most people get vaccinated for rubella with the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) virus. Rubella may spread to people without vaccination and contain the rubella virus in their bodies. This test may need a sample of blood, urine, or a swab from the throat.

Antibodies are proteins produced in your blood when rubella enters your body. Antibodies help to protect your body against infection or viruses. Pregnant women infected with rubella may transfer this infection to their children. Rubella may cause complicated defects in the birth, also known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), specifically during the first trimester (three months). Babies may experience eye, hearing, or heart-related problems. Your provider will recommend taking vaccination to prevent rubella infection and related viruses.

Two types of rubella antibodies are present: Immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody test and Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody test.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM): An IgM antibody test is the leading test to determine the presence of rubella in your body. IgM antibodies develop in people who experience rubella newly. IgM antibodies produced in most people within four days after their symptoms. IgM antibody levels may be present and identifiable for six to eight weeks or longer.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG): This test may indicate rubella and check for immunity against it. The IgG test helps differentiate between past infections and immunity developed due to past viral infections. It is a suitable method to see immunity to rubella in pregnant women.

What is the purpose of this test?

A rubella test screens to check infection before its symptoms. The rubella virus may transmit to others through sneezing and coughing with an already infected person. This test may find the presence of rubella and show immunity developed for rubella in your body. A rubella test may use to:
  • Diagnose rubella infection if you are experiencing its symptoms
  • Observe rubella in a pregnant woman or who wants to become pregnant.
  • Identify any presence of rubella in the healthcare workers who did not take vaccines for it.
  • See the risks of rubella in a newborn baby whose mother has already experienced it during pregnancy.

You can conduct an online rubella test at a low price.

When do I need to take this test?

Rubella produces skin rash on the face before transmitting to other body parts. Your healthcare provider may recommend this test if you have symptoms of rubella.

Symptoms of Rubella
  • Pain or stiffness in the joint
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • The color of the eyes turns pink

Your provider will monitor rubella immunity in pregnant women as a part of initial prenatal screening. You may also need this test to show proof in your organization of the immunity developed in your body if you are a healthcare worker, student, and international traveler. In general, immunity is produced in response to rubella when you get an MMR vaccination. This vaccine will protect you from infection and stop viruses from transmitting to others. Immunity develops when you complete your treatment from a recent infection if you did not take a vaccine.

What is the procedure for this test?
The sample depends on the test type your provider recommends to you. You may need to provide a blood sample, urine sample, or swab from your throat or nasal. For the blood test, the following are the steps of a rubella test that include:
  • Your provider will ask you to stay relaxed and calm before the test.
  • Take a seat in front of your provider and remove your cloth from one of the arms.
  • A small needle will inject into the vein in your arm.
  • Your blood sample will collect in a test tube
  • A little discomfort or pain may happen during the test or at the time of injection of the needle.
  • Regular activities may resume after the test.
  • This test will finish within five minutes.

For a nose or throat swab, your provider will insert a cotton swab in your nose or throat. The swab will stay for enough time and turn back to collect adequate samples. You may experience some feeling of discomfort when a swab goes to your throat or nose. This procedure does not take a long time.

 You may need to follow their instructions if your provider asks for a urine sample. A urine sample container will be provided to you to collect urine.

How do I need to prepare for this test?

A rubella test does not need any specific preparation. You may eat or drink if you have only this test. But when your provider asks for other blood tests, you may need to fast for at least several hours. You can inform your provider about medicines, supplements, or vitamins you use. Do not avoid your medication without the prescription of your doctor.

Are there any risks involved in this test?
A rubella test contains low risks when you give a blood sample to your provider. Vein differs from person to person. You may experience low risks when the needle injects into your vein, include
  • Infection
  • Bruising
  • Extreme Bleeding
  • Slight pain
  • Hematoma (Deposition of blood under the skin)
You may feel discomfort during swabs collection from your throat or nose.

What do the test results indicate?

The results of a rubella test may consist of the presence or absence of IgG/IgM antibodies in your blood.

Positive test results: Positive test results indicate that you have IgM/IgG antibodies in your blood because you have already experienced infection. Sometimes the test may show false-positive results. You may have other viruses instead of rubella. Your provider will ask for more tests to go for further confirmation.

Negative test results: You have no IgG/IgM antibodies in your blood shows you do not have an infection. Immunity has been developed because of vaccination.

Take an e-consultation from a provider to discuss your test result.

What factors may affect the test results?

The results for rubella may be considered accurate but not 100% correct. Some factors that may affect the accuracy of test results.

The rubella test timing may change the test result. You should order the test as you are experiencing symptoms of rubella, specifically a skin rash on the face or fever. False-negative results may appear if you perform earlier than the symptoms.
If you conduct the test three days after the beginning of the rash, you may need another test within two to four weeks to identify rubella infection.

False positive test results may happen due to some antibodies that may develop other than those produced in response to rubella, which may show inaccurate results of IgG and IgM tests. Rheumatoid factors and antibodies to different viruses may indicate a false positive rubella test result.

What additional tests do I need along with this test?

You may also need to order other tests to screen and diagnose for rubella and other infections in your body.
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