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What are the other names for this test?

Gonorrhea test, Gonorrhea DNA Probe Test, Gonorrhea Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, NAAT, GC Test,

What is a Gonorrhea Test?

A gonorrhea test helps to observe for a gonorrhea infection in your body. Gonorrhea is the most spreading sexually transmitted disease (STD). The test may perform with fluid samples from the cervix, penis, urethra, or rectum. The urine sample may use to test for gonorrhea in men and women.
This test observes for RNA of gonorrhea infection. RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is a nucleic acid available in all living cells having a similar structure to DNA. The function of RNA is to develop proteins through translation. RNA contains genetic data translated by ribosomes into different proteins for cellular processes, such as DNA repair and replication. 

What is the purpose of this test?

A gonorrhea test screens and diagnoses whether you have a gonorrhea infection. This test may help to see symptoms of gonorrhea. Gonorrhea has symptoms similar to chlamydia, which is another STD. Symptoms may not develop among all people, but you may feel pain and burning during urination. Your healthcare provider may recommend both gonorrhea and chlamydia tests.

When do I need this test?

Many health organizations recommend a neisseria gonorrhea test for people ages 15 to 65. Most people do not have symptoms of gonorrhea infection. This test may suggest to:

Women below 25: Yearly screening is required for gonorrhea if you are sexually active under 25.

Women aged 25 or above: Yearly screening is required for gonorrhea if you are a woman with a high risk of gonorrhea infection aged 25 or above.

Pregnant women: Gonorrhea infection may transfer from mother to child. This test is necessary for all pregnant women under 25. Yearly screening is required for pregnant women aged 25 or above with a high risk of infection.

People with HIV: Yearly screening is required if you have experienced an HIV infection.

Men having sex with men: If a man performs sex with another man, you may need screening for gonorrhea annually or every 3 to 6 months.

Your healthcare provider may recommend the screening for gonorrhea infection due to several risk factors:
  • Sex with a partner infected with an STD in the past
  • Different sex partners
  • A new sex partner within the last 60 days.
  • Avoiding the use of a condom
  • Sexual contact with sex workers

You may need a gonorrhea test if your sex partner has gonorrhea. Signs and symptoms of gonorrhea may include:
  • Bleeding from the vagina during periods
  • Testicles or scrotum pain
  • Bleeding or soreness in the anal
  • Increased discharge from the vagina
  • Leaking of fluids or itching from the anal or penis
  • Soreness in the throat
  • Burning or painful bowel movements

Your provider may ask to take this test after three months of treatment to check for gonorrhea. Order an online test for gonorrhea infection here.

What is the procedure for this test?

Your provider will ask for a fluid sample from your infected body part for a gonorrhea test. Two ways are available to collect fluid sample are:
  • A first-catch urine sample
A sterile cup requires you to collect urine from the first part of the urine stream. You may need to stop urinating before the test for at least two hours to receive accurate results.
  • A swab sample
Your provider will collect cells from your genital area (the urethra or the vagina) with a special swab. You may feel some discomfort. Your rectum, throat, cervix, or eyes may swab. Your provider may ask you to swab yourself with specific instructions.

You may receive your test results within a day. Some gonorrhea tests may provide results within 90 minutes or less. You can also order a swab or urine sample at home. You can send the sample to your laboratory after collecting the sample.
You should avoid testing at home if you see symptoms of gonorrhea or your sex partner experiences gonorrhea.

How do I get ready for this test?

You may need preparation for a gonorrhea test, depending on the sample type. You should avoid antibiotic medicines and vaginal creams for 24 hours before your test. You can ask your provider about the specific preparation required for this test.

Are there any risks involved in the test?

This test does not have any risk.

What do the test results indicate?

The test results depend on many factors, such as age, gender, and medical history. The test results may also slightly differ among laboratories. It is because each lab may use different methods for examination.
The negative results indicate that you have no gonorrhea in your fluid sample. A positive test result means that you have an infection with gonorrhea.
When you have a positive test result, your provider will give you antibiotics to cure your infection. You need to follow specific instructions provided by your doctor to ensure that you have no gonorrhea.
You can take guidance about your test results from a professional consultant.

What factors may affect the test results?

When your provider asks for a urine sample, urinating during 1 to 2 hours of the test may affect your test results. Some antibiotics may also change your test results. You may need to avoid vaginal creams within 24 hours of the gonorrhea test.

What are the other tests that may detect gonorrhea infection?

The tests may include finding gonorrhea infection are:
  • Gonorrhea Nucleic Acid Amplification. This test helps to determine the DNA of the gonorrhea bacteria and is the most recommended test for gonorrhea. This test may be performed with a urine sample or swab collected from the infection site.
  • Gonococcal Culture. It is the only test that determines the presence of infection with antibiotics. You may need this test if you have antibiotic resistance to gonorrhea.
  • Rapid Gonorrhea Test. This test is often not performed. Some other tests may provide results within the same day.
  • Gram Stain. This test observes specific cells that possess properties of gonorrhea infection under a microscope. This test uses urethral swabs and often performs in men having urinary problems or symptoms.

If you have oral or anal sexual contact with a person, your provider may order a throat or rectal culture. You may also need tests to observe other STDs as well.

What else do I need to know about a gonorrhea test?

This test may help reduce health problems and resist the disease from spreading. You may avoid or prevent gonorrhea or any STD by not doing oral, vaginal, or anal sex. You can eliminate your risk of chlamydia if:
  • You are sexually active with only one partner and possess negative test results for STD
  • You use condoms each time you do sex.
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