hsCRP inflammation Marker C-reactive protein HS CRP

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hsCRP inflammation Marker C-reactive protein HS CRP

$ 44.00

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What are the other names for this test?

CRP for heart disease, Cardiac CRP, HS-CRP, C - reactive protein, serum 

What is an HS C-reactive protein test?

A high-sensitivity CRP (C-reactive protein) test is a blood test that determines the amount of C-reactive protein in your blood sample. C-reactive protein in your body develops by your liver. This test is more sensitive compared to the standard C-reactive protein test. This high-sensitivity test shows a few rises in CRP levels than a standard CRP test. An increase in CRP levels occurs due to the inflammation in your body. Abnormal or high levels of CRP indicate that you experience health problems that lead to inflammation in your body. The HS- CRP test does not show causes for inflammation or where it develops in your body. 

Inflammation may be acute (temporary) or chronic (long-term). Acute Inflammation is generally helpful to prevent your tissues and heal them from an injury, infection, or another disease. If you have a cut on your skin that turns red, swells, and into pain for a short time. This condition is known as inflammation, which can also occur within your body. 

The healthy tissues of your body may damage due to chronic inflammation, which stays in your body for a long time. Other factors, like chronic infections, autoimmune disorders, and other diseases, may lead to chronic inflammation. It may also develop due to repeated injury or irritation from smoking or other substances. 

What is the purpose of this test?

The HS-CRP test helps to indicate your risk of chronic heart disease. This test may conduct with a combination of other tests like lipid panel or other heart risk markers. This test is also helpful for those having a 10 to 20 % risk of developing a heart attack in the next ten years. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the three risk factors for heart attack are:

Age factor - The increasing age of men and women.
Gender - Males have a high chance of heart attack. The American Heart Association writes that heart attack causes high risks of death in females. 
Family history - If your parents already have heart disease, then children may also have a risk for heart problems. 

Your healthcare provider recommends an HS-CRP test to diagnose:

● Infection from viruses or bacteria
● The risk of a heart disease
● The risk of a second heart attack
● Lung diseases, such as asthma
● Inflammatory bowel diseases
● Intestinal disorders, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis - a disease in which sensitivity occurs in the colon and rectum of your body.
● A chronic inflammatory disease, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis - is an autoimmune condition in which your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body, leading to inflammatory disease). 

When do I need an HS-CRP test?

You may also need to place an online order for this test if you experience infection from bacteria that include:

● Increased heartbeat
● Fever or chills
● Nausea and vomiting
● Increased breath

The factors that may lead to heart attack disease, such as

● Smoking
● High cholesterol levels 
● Blood pressure
● Lack of physical activity
● Malnutrition or improper intake of diet
● Diabetes
● Overweight

Your provider may also use this test to observe your conditions and treatment if you previously have been diagnosed with an infection or a chronic disease. High or low CRP levels may vary on levels of sensitivity or burning in your body. Your CRP level decreases when you see improvements in your health from inflammation disease.

What is the procedure for the HS-CRP test?

Your healthcare provider will ask you to provide a blood sample for the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein test. A needle injects into a vein in your arm. A small amount of blood collects in a test tube. Your provider applies a bandage to your vein where the needle injects. This test does not take time greater than 5 minutes. The HS-CRP test report receives within 1-2 days.

How do I need to prepare for this test?

You can inform your provider about medicines or supplements that you use. This medicine includes aspirin, ibuprofen, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). You can talk with your provider if you want to take any prescribed medication.

What are the risks of the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein test?

An HS-CRP test is a blood test that does not have a high risk. You may experience a little pain at the point in your vein from where the blood collects. A chance of bleeding or bruising may also occur, but generally, these signs do not last long.

What do the test results indicate?

The HS-CRP test results may vary on age, gender, family history, and other factors. This test can measure low CRP levels from 0.3 to 10 mg/L. A high level of HS-CRP in your blood can show the risk of heart attacks. People can also get another or second heart attack after the one when they have high CRP levels. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the AHA (American Heart Association), you may need to repeat this test within two weeks if you have CRP levels higher than 10 mg/dL. 

The HS-CRP test does not provide information about the causes of inflammation in your body. HS-C-reactive protein tests help to identify the risk for cardiovascular (heart) disease. It is possible that you may have high HS-CRP levels without any heart disease. You can get complete information about your test results by setting up an online talk with a doctor. 

What additional tests do I need along with the HS-CRP test?

Your healthcare provider may recommend the standard CRP test besides an HS-CRP test. A standard CRP test can measure high C-reactive protein to identify diseases that may cause sensitivity in your body. The CRP test range is between 8 to 1000 mg/L. Your provider will use this test to examine and detect sensitivity in your body. 

You can visit here if you are looking for more laboratory tests and their information with e-consultation service.
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