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Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Immunity, Quantitative
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What is the Hepatitis B Antibody test?
Hepatitis B Antibody test helps to determine the amount of hepatitis B antibodies in your blood. When you experience hepatitis B, antibodies develop in your blood. Antibodies are proteins that are produced by the immune system. They help to fight and protect your body against bacteria, infection, and other diseases. The availability of antibodies in your blood indicates that you fully recover and get immunity from the hepatitis B virus. Anti-HBs may also develop in a person who takes a vaccine for hepatitis B.
What is Hepatitis B?
The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an antigen that lowers the strength of your immune system. The immune system consists of organs, proteins, cells, and tissues. These cells of the immune system prevent your body from germs, bacteria, viral infections, and specific diseases. HBV infection spreads during the blood transfusion or whenever a person comes in contact with infected blood components, like taking drug injections with the same needles. HBV is present all over the world in people, specifically can transmit to others through oral and genital contact. On average, HBV lasts about 60 to 90 days in a person’s body.
When do I need this test?
Your healthcare provider recommends the
hepatitis B antibody test if you think you may have a liver infection due to HBV. If you received treatment for the HBV infection, this test also helps diagnose the current health conditions of your body. In most cases, people have no
symptoms of HBV. They may have the little flu in their body. A person can experience symptoms of HBV when this infection goes to an acute or chronic stage. In general, the most common symptom of HBV is severe tiredness. Some other signs include
- Loss of appetite
- Fever
- Nausea
- Skin color turns to yellow, whitish eye color (jaundice)
- Dark urine color
- Pain in the abdomen (belly)
- Swelling and confusion in most severe conditions.
Your healthcare provider may suggest this test if you have had an infection with HBV. This test helps diagnose whether immunity develops against the virus in your body. Hepatitis B spreads in your body due to physical contact with an infected person. The other risk for hepatitis B that your doctor describe these conditions, such as
- When you get an injection for a drug by needles used multiple times.
- Performing sex with an infected person.
- Having sex with the same gender (man with man or women with women).
- Living a shorter distance from an already infected person from HBV.
- Exposure to blood when working in a lab care center.
- Transmission of the virus from mother to child during pregnancy.
- Transfusion of blood or organ transplant, which does not occur for screening.
You may place an
online order for this test to find the availability of HBV infection.
What is the procedure for this test?
Your healthcare provider asks for a blood sample for the
Hepatitis B Antibody test. A small needle injects into a vein in your arm to collect a blood sample in a test tube. Your provider applies a bandage to your vein when the syringe (needle) goes in. This test usually finishes in under five minutes. You will get your report within 1-2 days.
How do I need to prepare for this test?
You don’t have to prepare for the
hepatitis b antibody test. You can inform your provider about medicines, vitamins, and supplements if you take them. These medicines include those that do not require a prescription. You may also need to follow any instructions when you go to the laboratory for this test.
What are the risks of this test?
A hepatitis B antibody test is a blood test that does not contain significant risk. You may feel slight pain when the needle goes into a vein in your arm. The other small chances of risks include infection, bleeding, and lightheaded feeling.
What are the factors that may affect this test?
There are no factors that may change your test results for anti-HBVs.
What else do I need to know about the hepatitis B antibody test?
Your provider may recommend conducting additional tests to see the hepatitis B antibodies in your blood. You may also need to order a hepatitis surface antigen test to look for antigens in your blood. This blood test may perform with additional hepatitis blood tests to check what stage of infection you possess.
What do the test results mean?
The test results for
hepatitis B antibody test depend on age, gender, medical history, and other factors. You can get complete information about your test results by scheduling an
online talk with your doctor.
positive test results for anti-HBs indicate that you have antibodies in your blood. The results show the recovery from acute or chronic hepatitis B virus. The recommended levels of anti-HBVs in your blood should lie equal to or greater than 12 mlU/mL (milli-international units per milliliter). It means that you are immune to the HBV virus or HBV vaccination. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), a person should be considered safe from hepatitis B if the values for anti-HBs are higher than ten mlU/mL after the completion of an HBV vaccination.
The value for
the hepatitis B antibody test below five mIU/mL shows
negative results. It means that you have no antibodies in your blood. The test results indicate that you have acute or chronic hepatitis B or an insignificant immune response to HBV vaccination. In general, the virus recovers automatically within six months. If the virus does not disappear, it can cause liver problems. You can transfer the virus to others.
The anti-HBs levels between 5 to 11.9 mIU/mL indicate indeterminate results. The test results do not determine the consistency levels for anti-HBs in your blood. Your provider will ask to repeat the test within 1 to 3 months.
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